WNT Surrogate-Fc Fusion Protein


WNT Surrogate-Fc Fusion Protein

Production platform: This product is produced in HEK293 cells using the rPEx™ recombinant protein production platform.

New user exclusive offer: Receive a 60% discount on 25 µg (trial size) of WNT Surrogate-Fc fusion protein. € 85 (excluding tax and shipping).

Send your request to products@IPAtherapeutics.com (Offer limited to one per new user).

SKU: N001-0.1 mg


Catalog #: N001 - 100 µg

Quantity: 100 µg

Datasheets: Lot 2829, Lot 3660, Lot 4035, Lot 5109, Lot 5696, Lot 6384, Lot 6670, Lot 6820, Lot 7134, Lot 7568

Certificate of Analysis: Lot 2829, Lot 3660, Lot 4035, Lot 5109, Lot 5696, Lot 6384, Lot 6670, Lot 6820, Lot 7134, Lot 7568

Contact products@ipatherapeutics.com if you have any questions